
Refined Strength was founded on the principle that an athlete never stops improving or pursuing the best version of themselves. In order to improve, we must respect our past experiences and current strengths, yet understand and see how we can continue to refine.

We coach with the individual in mind. Whether you’re competing on a bodybuilding stage or focused on being your healthiest self, your goals and a realistic path towards them are our top priority.

Mission Statement

At Refined Strength, my mission is to empower individuals on their journey to refine their own unique strengths through a love of the process and the drive to be their best.

I am dedicated to providing personalized, health-focused and results-driven bodybuilding and lifestyle coaching that will transform client’s lives as well as their bodies. I prioritize a holistic approach that encompasses proper nutrition, effective training techniques, and sustainable lifestyle habits.

I strive to create a supportive and encouraging environment and online community for individuals to become the best version of themselves and make meaningful connections with their teammates. We as a team foster a culture of growth, perseverance, and unwavering dedication to help each other build a foundation of lifelong strength, vitality and community.

There is always room for refinement.

Core Values at Refined Strength

  1. We are Nothing Without our Health: no trophy, body fat percentage, or number on a scale is worth destroying your health mentally or physically. We must go about reaching our goals with health as the top priority, even with extreme goals such as contest prep.
  2. Ethics over Numbers: Always do the right thing, regardless of what the wrong thing pays.
  3. Leave People Better Than You Found Them: We don’t expect anyone to coach with us forever; we want each client to walk away from our coaching with the confidence that they are better than before, mentally and physically, regardless of whatever the next part of their journey looks like.
  4. Make Bodybuilding a Better Place: Bodybuilding or the pursuit of health improvement has the power of taking us down just as much as it has the power to build us up. It can destroy relationships or it can improve them and bring you the richest community you could hope for. There are coaches who hurt more than they help. We strive to help everybody see the positive and beautiful sides of bodybuilding, and to take every opportunity to pay it forward.
  5. Refine Everything – Work Ethic, Systems, and Standards: No matter our accomplishments or accolades, we all have the capability to improve. In order to achieve our dreams, we must have the humility to take responsibility for where we need to do better and the strength to take appropriate action every day, even when its uncomfortable.